Queerreality-  New Realms of Surrealism


Zeynep Alpay, Cihan Çakmak, Banu Çiçek Tülü, Yağız Gülseven, Julia Jesionek, Şafak Şule Kemancı, Berk Kır, Eda Kıvanç, Furkan Öztekin und Joanna Stange

Kuration: Aylime Aslı Demir (Ankara Queer Art Programm) & Eva Liedtjens (NEOLA art projects e.V.)

Vernissage: Fr. 11.10.2024, 18:30h

Öffnungszeiten: Fr..-So. 14:00-18:00h (und nach Vereinbarung)

Ort: Galerie Kulturbunker-Köln Mülheim e.V.

We imagine new worlds – entangled, universal and life-affirming. Celebrating 100 years of the Surrealist Manifesto the group exhibition explores the profound connections and dynamic divergences between Surrealist and Queer art. The exhibition rethinks Surrealism through contemporary queer-feminist artworks that challenge norms, question identities, and deconstruct the heteronormative order. Using methods such as fragmentation, collage, mixed media installation, experimental photography and animation, the artists explore motifs of night, dreams, nightmares, hybrid beings, in-between and alternate realities, creating a dialogue that spans across time and communities. Innovative works of queer, feminist, and (post-)migrant artists are displayed who draw inspiration from classical Surrealism while boldly critiquing and reimagining its principles.

Taking place in the Kulturbunker in Köln-Mülheim—a former World War II bunker that is now a safe space for diverse communities— the exhibition transforms the bunker into a vibrant, inclusive "queerreality" that celebrates diversity.

The exhibition is part of the joint project “Kuir Art Fest” by Kulturbunker - Köln Mülheim e.V., Iç Içe - Festival für  neue anatolische Musik and NEOLA art projects e.V. funded by the Kulturamt der Stadt Köln and Soziokultur NRW.